Friday, 25 July 2014

3 Springtime Fun Activities For Your Kids

Springtime is one of the best seasons to enjoy with your kids after the long and dark winter days. The days are sunny, bright and just beautiful to spend outdoors. This time of the year is best to go outside, explore nature at its best and teach your young ones about the environment. It’s important that you take liberty to help your children to take a fresh spin on nature, connect with it and expand the knowledge.

So don’t wait up, leave all your gadgets behind, get ready to soak up some sun and enjoy this fabulous time as we have made a list of 3 springtime activities that will be fun for your kids to do.

Spring Vegetable Garden
Helping your child dig up a garden in the backyard is one of the basic things you can do. For starters, you can teach them how to prepare the garden bed, what kinds of vegetables can be grown in this season, how to sow the seeds, and how to water them each day. Taking care of the nursery would become an everyday activity that will help them learn about vegetation and plants.

Tip: Gift them Season’s book such as Spring:Trees in Bloom; this will help to educate them. Alternately you can help them learn about germination process of beans.

Assign them Home Chores
It’s always fun to let your children take up some responsibility by giving them easy-to-do home chores. For example, you can ask them to help you with car washing, or teach them how to clean windows. Car cleaning is more enjoyable as they will love getting wet during this task. A little cleaning and mopping doesn’t really hurt, and by the end of the day you will appreciate your young one for a task done well.

Tip: Go for easy tasks rather than hefty one’s such as cleaning of garage because you don’t know what kinds of tools or other sharp objects you might have kept there.

Plan a Picnic
This time is perfect for planning a hearty picnic with your family and friends. An excursion to the nearby lake, or a mountain will be spot-on. You can cook some light and healthy food that is easy to make. Let your child experience the blooming of flowers, let them run after butterflies and touch dew drops on the grass!

Tip: You can always ask your child where he/she wants to go. Also, inviting your friends and other family members will make the whole event worthwhile - the more, the merrier!

So go out with your kids and be a sport in these activities!

Thursday, 17 July 2014

Introduce Your Child to Cooking This Summer

The best thing you can do is introduce your child to the art of cooking at an early stage. Not many parents do that usually, and are more than afraid to even allow their kids in the kitchen due to the obvious fears. However, if you mentor and allow them to be creative and discover the wide range of flavors, then who knows they might become a child chef prodigy. 
If you have children who are above the age of 5, and you know that they are patient, smart and understand your commands, then you can let them in the kitchen. Not only this will help you out, but will also be much fun for them as cooking has always been an activity associated with the family altogether.
You can get them to do a variety of chores which aren’t risky. The least that your child can do to help you in the pantry is as follows:
·         Help you pass the jars, veggies, produce, or whatever you ask them to handover.
·         Washing, rubbing, and cleaning off the vegetables.
·         Arranging and assembling things such as plastic jars, bottles etc. in refrigerator, or racks.
·         Setting up the dinner table.

These are just basic ways you can get your child involved in the pantry works. However, when it comes to cooking, here’s how you can initiate the whole process to them:
Get Your Kids Illustrative Cook Books
While you shouldn’t be focused on turning your child into a chef, the idea is to bring them more close to the drill of food. With the help of fun cooking books that have inspiring graphics in it, you can encourage and educate your kids. These books make it easy for the children to understand how easy the cooking process can be right from the scratch till the end product. The book 4 Seasons books bycooking expert Litsa Bolontzakis, can be of great help.
Take Them to Local Farms
Another prime factor that contributes in pushing your child towards healthy eating is introduction to the produce itself. Nowadays, it is almost impossible for kids to see farms or how the vegetables are grown. Therefore, you can make it a point to take them along for a ride to local farmer’s market, or a nearby farm or an orchid. This trip itself will become an educational tour. You can show them around and explain how veggies grow.
Throw Your Child a Cooking Party
It will be a great experience for not only your kid but his/her friends as well if you throw them a DIY cooking party. You can choose from a variety of simple and easy to make (or let’s call it ‘assemble’) recipes that requires fewer ingredients, but more creativity and yes, less mess also! For inspiration, you can head over to different Pinterest accounts.
These are the easiest ways you can welcome your child in the kitchen and teach them the basics of food preparation. If you overcome your hesitation, your child will also love and enjoy the cooking session and develop an unending love for food!

Friday, 11 July 2014

Introduce Your Kids to Nature’s Most Beautiful Time, Spring!

How often have you been intrigued by the nature itself? How often have you tried to bring together your kids to the most fascinating part of our whole existence? Not really, even though thoughts might come across your mind, but it’s really just thoughts. As parents, you’re accountable for a good upbringing of your children, as well as teach them and make them acquainted with certain aspects of the world around us.

Emphasizing on providing your child an environment to learn, explore, experience, experiment and grow on their own is almost important as it is for them to learn from you as their role models. So, if you are a busy working parent, who finds it kind of tough to manage the whole drill, then the least you can do is provide your kids with the best essentials to learn from.
School, extracurricular activities and other such things are good. But for instance, you could give them enough reading or learning material which is interactive on its own, so that in your absence they can absorb as much as they can.

Books are the basic learning equipment. For younger kids, a book that has enough lessons captured in a fun way can be really overwhelming. One such book is Spring: Trees in Bloom, written by Litsa Bolontzakis, that actually helps small children explore the surroundings in the best way possible. In this book your kids will find:
·         Beautifully illustrated images to understand the Spring time.
·         Various ways to discover flora-fauna and work in accordance.
·         Get inspired by the gifts of Mother Nature.
·         Learn to use the gifts in the best way - cooking wise.
·         Fun ways to accustom oneself with being part of environs.

Most importantly, the children are just going to love and embrace it.

In this era, when everyone wants to go eco-friendly and save the environment in whatever little way they can, it becomes extremely significant to instill our little one’s with knowledge about various seasons and how they can get accustomed to it. It doesn’t need to be a rocket-science seminar for your kiddos, all it needs to be is a simple lesson that makes them understand the nature and the need to preserve it. 

Let them go through such books, take them on a hike, let them explore and understand the beauty of uncontaminated and pure environment and I’m sure they will love it all the way more.